Bartenders Bash Series 2014 Rules


The contest shall be based on a point system, with a total of five hundred (500) points (510 with Bonus) available to each bartender. Points may be accumulated during one round of competition with a fixed maximum number of points per round:



-In keeping with the true spirit and tradition of "Bartenders Bash" the competitors will not know the full list of sponsors, drinks, time limits, judging criteria, format or rules until the day of the competition. This helps level the playing field and also keeps it fun.

-All Competitors need to be at Newport Beachside Resort in the Pool Area at Noon on the Main Stage Sunday July 27th 2014 to sign up.

-There will be a penalty for showing up late that will be revealed at the competitor meeting (Don't be late).

-In tradition with Bartenders Bash, the Drink list and time limit will be revealed at the meeting the day of the competition. Bring your tools and Competitor Choice bottles just in case. There is a chance you may not be using Competitor Choice bottles... all is revealed at the competitor meeting.

-Competitor Choice bottles can be in clear, un-tinted glass bottles of the competitor’s choice, provided that these bottles have all branding removed. Each competitor choice bottle can have no more than three (3) strips of tape, 1” (2cm) wide, and up to two (2) BarWars LLC Sponsor stickers. You may or may not be permitted to use these... you will have to wait until the competitor meeting to find out?

-There is a $20.00 competitor entry fee to compete.

-If the bartender would like music for their routine they must submit the CD to the DJ after the preliminary meeting.

-No FIRE what so ever !

-The bartender must make the drinks according to the drink list. This includes the proper glassware, ingredients, portions, procedures and garnishes.

-Ice can only be scooped by an ice scoop or tin, No Glassware! That would be a unsanitary procedure.

-The bartender must use the spirits that are available at the bar and may not bring other spirits to the contest that are not part of their specialty drink for that is illegal.

-All bottles in 750 mls will be supplied for you.

-If the bartender does not complete the drinks from the drink list before finishing, He will be deducted for a missing drink penalty for each drink missing.=50 points.

-If the bartender does not Flair at least one of each sponsored bottle on stage during their round they will be deducted with a "Non-Flaired Sponsor" deduction.=25 points.

-Not attempting a Finest Call Stall=25 points.

-The drinks from the drink list can be made in any order.

-Any drinks, props, assistance, guests on stage or equipment that is not already at the bar must be pre-approved by the judges prior to the contest.

-Bartenders that have a high degree of difficulty or Guest involvement in their routines must discuss their routine and be pre-approved by the judges prior to the contest.

-The bar will be cleaned and reset after each contestant. The bartender will have two (2) minutes to arrange their tins, specialty bottles, specialty store-n-pours, and props in their station. You may use the back bar for more room.

-All liquor bottles will be set by the Bartender and checked by the Head Barback.

-The emcee will then read the drinks out loud and will say " GO ", At this time the clock will start and you will have a set time limit to make the drinks on the drink list with Flair. You may not touch any equipment until the emcee says " GO " unless previously approved.

-If the bartender breaks a bottle they can ask the barback for a back up of what was broken.

-There will be a 10 point bonus for "No Drops" during a competitors routine.

-You will be disqualified for wearing any logos or promoting competing sponsors on stage! You may however promote your venue you work at as long as it doesn't conflict with any of the sponsors. To be safe check with Rob Husted before taking the stage.

-You are allowed and encouraged to film and post your rounds.

-There will be a trophy and prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, "Best Rookie", 1st Place & 2nd Place Finest Call Stall.

The Breakdown of points earned in their Blind Flair round is as follows...

Entertainment & Showmanship (200 points)

Entertainment & Showmanship- The bartender will receive points for how well they entertain and put on a "Show" on stage. Its one thing to just flip bottles, but its another to flip bottles while telling a story to choreographed routines in costumes having a great time on stage while engaging the audience and judges.

Overall Flair (200 points)

Overall Flair- The bartender will receive points on their overall level of difficulty of Flair and smooth mastery of their variety of tools on stage.

Sponsorship Promotion (100 points)

Sponsorship Promotion- The bartender will receive points for how well they show appreciation to the sponsors on stage. Including sponsor products in Flair sequences, as opposed to just basic Flair with these products and pouring them off, will help score well... Including banners, props, music, etc as well will help you score higher.

Earning Bartenders Bash Series Points: Points can be earned in the Flair Round as well as the Mixology Round at each event. The overall Bartenders Bash Series Champion will be the bartender with the most points at the end of the series.

Any further questions please feel free to use the Official Bartenders Bash Series 2014 Facebook page at "". It is the competitors responsibility to check for updates and news posted on these sites.

All Rules are subject to Change.

- Main - Rules - Directions - Mixology Contest - Registration -Itinerary
- Point Standings -